Save the 8th - What Makes Nations Change?
On Friday, May 25th Ireland will be voting on Abortion. A once majority Catholic country, is now putting the life of an unborn child up for debate.
The pro-choice argument points are always the same:
It's a clump of cells.
It's a FETUS, not a BABY.
If the mother's life is at risk, it's okay.
Also, rape.
Actually, it's okay no matter what because it's "MY BODY".
Meanwhile, they shut down when you tell them, it's not a clump of cells. It's a baby. Neither life risk or rape is a reason to murder. It's not just YOUR body, there's a second person inside of you that gets a choice too.
These are the same people who, when you show them an image of an aborted baby, say:
"Oh my God, that's graphic. Delete that. You're sick."
Yet they protest for their rights in vagina themed costumes and hold grotesque signs filled with vulgar words and pictures.
This blog post isn't actually about WHY abortion is wrong, that should be evident to all of us. This blog is also not here to persuade others to change their minds (although, by all means, please do).
This blog is about how we got to where we are, and how it can be changed.
Because it's ALL. OUR. FAULT.
It starts with someone called King Henry VIII - who turned an entire nation of devout strong Catholics, into cowering sheep within 400+ years. You start by mass killings. Change the religion to suit you, and when people get upset - you kill them. His daughter, Queen Elizabeth I killed thousands of Catholics, and this went on through many, many years - and many monarchs.
Fast forward, there was a man known as Guy Fawkes, who plotted to kill the King by blowing up parliament and restore England to Catholicism. This was a desperate attempt on his part, and while sinful - could be excused in the sense that he watched priests being murdered almost daily. He viewed it as a holy war, and I would tend to agree. He failed, and was killed. To this day, people all over England celebrate his loss, by burning an effigy of him, and setting off fireworks every 5th of November.
You can see how it seeps down.
You can see how changing just one generation of Catholics, led to the downfall of an entire nation and it's main religion. They wiped the slate clean, and millions upon millions of people were then changed forever. Their sons and daughters became protestant, and so on and so forth - until everything was watered down and a Catholic was viewed as "strange" and "unusual".
There are still many parts of England, Scotland and Ireland that are anti-Catholic. There is also fear in some areas of expressing your religion. I lived in England for two years, and each time I went to Ash Wednesday Mass in our small town - I watched as Catholics came out and rubbed the ashes off their foreheads. When I asked one of them why they did that, their response was "I'd get harassed if I didn't".
Without sounding like a conspiracy theorist, it's akin to brainwashing. It's a way of whipping the spirit down until it just can't take anymore. It's a way of silencing those who remain, and making them feel powerless. It's a way of making you second guess yourself. It's evil.
The Irish plan on going to the polls Friday, to vote on something that would've been unthinkable not too long ago. A Catholic nation, known for it's Celtic cross, shamrock Trinity, and St. Patrick devotion - is voting to strip the rights of an unborn child, and murder it in cold blood.
Catholics need to start being vocal, and we need to keep doing so until we're heard.
I watch as Islam stomps a foot and they're given everything under the sun. Anyone says anything against their religion, and they're publicly ostracized. They're called racist, bigots.
Meanwhile, I watch other people make disgusting depictions of Christ. I watched the irreverence at the Met Gala. I watch them mock nuns/priests in music videos, and the media.
I hear silence.
We need to change. We will not allow ourselves to be made fun of, mocked, and scorned. We will not allow a Catholic nation to turn so fiercely away from God.
We will fight, and we will win.
Because that future generation they want to wipe out, just might be the one to bring back the faith.
The Girl in the Mantilla
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