Latin Mass

*I want to start out and make things very clear. I am NOT a sedevacanist - and I believe the Novus Ordo (however irreverent) to be valid*

Latin Mass. You either love it, or you hate it. Hopefully you're not the latter, because today we're discussing the benefits.

Why is Latin so important? Well, first of all - it was what connected all of us as the Universal Church. It was the Universal language of our faith, that - even if you weren't an English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, or Italian speaker - you would all be in the same boat. It also ensured there wouldn't be any changes from Mass to Mass.

Have you ever missed English Mass and had to go to Spanish? I know I've had it happen once or twice. It's a totally different Mass. While the main purpose is obviously still there, the culture of the language is blended in with traditional parts. Which can leave some wondering... "Am I in a Catholic Church?"

This is why Latin was/is so beneficial. It's Universal. No matter where you are, you know, without a doubt - I'm in a Catholic Church and this is Mass. We have a serious problem in the past 20-30 years, Mass has lost it's reverence. We hold hands at the Our Father, no one kneels at the Agnus Dei, and most will receive communion in their hands. I've even gone to several ENGLISH Novus Ordo's and felt like I wasn't in a Catholic Church.  This is definitely a problem.

It also doesn't help that we have a Pope who is at his very core... vague. That blog is for another time.

Latin Mass is also incredibly important, because *fun fact* the devil hates Latin.
Yes, you heard that correctly. He hates it. Despises it. In fact, you may even find the first few times you go - that you ALSO despise it. There is a natural aversion for some. I know that I was one of them. Yet, the grace you receive from a Traditional Latin Mass? Priceless. We already know that the Latin Mass is more Meritorious and Efficacious. Your soul benefits each time you attend, and strengthens you against the works of the Devil.

So, here's my challenge:

Next Sunday, find a Latin Mass near you and attend.

Take a picture, and post it with the hashtag #LatinMass 

If you're unsure it's for you - attend the low mass. It's shorter and more laid back, but it will give you a good first idea of what you're looking at. 

The Girl in the Mantilla


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